

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dead Man

On a recent trip to the city with her dad Maritza saw a man lying dead on the side of the street.  He was uncovered and unattended. This is her expresson of the event.

Dead Man

I saw a dead man
who was he... where was he from...
but most importantly was he saved?
We thank God everyday for letting us have a good week
but some people don't make it through the day.
I saw a dead man, and I wondered
Who was he and who's was he?
Oh, he was somebody's,
Now Lord be with his somebody today and forever more.

by: Maritza Sanchez, I de Ciclo (7th Grade)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Science is Alive!

In science I’ve been leaning about plants and today for the first time in primero de ciclo (that’s what we call 7th grade here) I dissected a flower. It was cool; I saw what the book talked about.  I can’t wait this year I’m also going to get to dissect a cow! My mom is chicken so I’m going to have that class with my dad and Hermano Darwin.  Speaking of chickens did I tell you about the one I helped dissect? Well it really wasn’t for science it was for dinner and it was good. Mom didn’t watch that either.