

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What’s The Exchange Rate?

Too Funny Not To Share
Sometimes life is so funny you get muscle failure in your cheeks from laughing so much… this evening was one of those sometimes.  In the States Maritza received a $5 allowance every week.  Coming here still wanting to give her a little change and teach her about tithes and offerings and using finances wisely I set her allowance at 20 lempiras. She looks forward to Saturdays when she gets her allowance.. ya know big time with 20 lempiras. After she sets aside what she needs to she and a friend pull their change and have a feast from the campus concession. Today she asked me how much is 20 lempiras worth in American money.  Without thought I told her about  “$1”… her mouth dropped open and then it registered why she was asking.  She was undone and I was cracking up, her allowance has been equivalent to $1 per week since our arrival. She walked away shaking her head mumbling something about “that’s cheap”… I was still cracking up!