

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

My Christmas was good although I miss having it in the United States. The food here is different because my mom usually stays up late making all the food and pies but here mom and I learned how to make tamales. In Honduras the big celebration day is December 24th with a little celebration on the 25th. So we spent a day with a family making tamales, the next day we had dinner with our neighbors (Hermana Delmy) and Christmas day all the “gringos” North Americans had a whole party at the Henry’s house! The weather is different here too. In the United States December 25th you’re sitting in your house with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows but here on December 25th you’re sitting in your house with at least two fans blowing! The week before Christmas the leaders went to La Ceiba for four days! Four days on the beach!! It was wonderful! I spent a lot of time with my friends young and old! I stayed in the pool so much I got sunburned in DECEMBER! I surfed in the ocean, played ping-pong, water volleyball and ate a lot.  I had a lot of fun. Christmas was amazing this year except that I miss my brother. I get to see him soon.  New Years Eve everyone here got together for dinner. The kids played outside exploding firecrackers and lighting sparklers. That was fun too! Chistmas is the BOMB!