

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Day After Thanksgiving

Yesterday I went to a village with my dad and some other people.  My job was working in the medical clinic translating from English to Spanish. It was fun working with Dr. Chet. At first I was kind of scared, but then I got use to it and it became fun. It was fun because I helped other people and also I learned about different types of medicine. I wore my own personal smock that Dr. Chet and his wife Sister Nicole got me.
One lady tried to pay us for the work we were doing. I had so much fun and now I don't want to take off my smock. I love them!

Me in one of my new smocks.

The climb to Tejeras Village.

Ride up and down the mountainside.

A special house call for our last patient of the day.
A lady had arthritis that kept her from walking to the clinic.