

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One Saturday In Honduras

We spent last Saturday living what we envisioned before we came as a “missionary’s life”. We started the day with a simple breakfast shared with a Honduran family we have come to love, the Cerna Family, Elvin, Wendy, and their daughter, Clarisa.  Homemade zucchini bread, juice made from fresh blackberries ($1 a pound), feather fresh eggs, and watermelon (I am getting pretty handy with the fresh squeezed and baked stuff). Then we were off.  Our first stop meeting new friends, Wendy’s family; SWEET family through and through. 

 They live in “Campo Alegre” {Happy Camp} and they work very hard to live up to that name.  First of all in this community there are no cantinas (bars). If someone from the community drinks too much and starts to behave poorly… others from the community tie the rowdy drinker to a tree until the next morning!!! I love it!!!!!!! Now that is a community watch program!  We enjoyed the day laughing near a babbling brook while Wendy and her mother cooked over an outdoor stove.

They have a stove inside but everyone thinks food taste better cooked over the flame… and I agree everything was delicious.   Later Elvin, Marcelino, Maritza, Wendy’s father and I slipped away to visit a village called “La Pimienta” (The Pepper). Although physically located close to Campo Alegre it was like going to another country in another time. 

The people were very poor, most lacking in simple basic necessities.  

Through the blessings of previous teams we were able to take several suitcases filled with clothes, linen, some shoes, and treats for the children. We also provided each family with food.  One “viejita “(old lady… in a loving way) shared how God always provides on time!


We had the chance right there on the dirt road to share Christ and His message of hope.  

Keep La Pimienta in your prayers, as you see from the pictures many do not have shoes, running water, and they have no school or church.  Later we returned to Campo Alegre for coffee and another opportunity to share Christ with a single mom and her daughter. It was an awesome day - no logistical demands, no schedule, no phones just a great day with great people sharing about our great God!!! 
On the way home I watched the sky and saw the stars blinking at us.  God made that sky, hung those stars and yet with all that power He is still concerned about the people living in a remote village on the side of a mountain name La Pimienta. I love the Lord and I am honored and pleased to serve Him wherever He sends me!!!!!!!

If you want to see the entire set of photos of La Pimiento I have them posted on facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Hace mucho tiempo que no hablo con ustedes. Me alegro decirtes que todo esta bien por aca en los EEUU. Pero despues de leer el peridico de TOLM, estrano a Plan Escalon y a Honduras. Si Dios quiere ojala que podramos ir pronto. Como estan usteded por alla? Los quiero muchimos!

    Rosa Perez (RMG)
